Sunday, 1 July 2012

Ghana - The Torch-Bearer

"These are not dark days: these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived." 

-Winston Churchill
The African spirit has always been reflected in the remarkable history and heritage of Ghana.
Ghana has been described as "The Gateway To Africa", "The Torch-Bearer" and so many more that really makes me blush as a Ghanaian.

The First of July, was, is and will always be an unforgettable day in the lives of Ghanaians in and outside Ghana. But what does it really mean to be revered as a leader in African democracy?? Does 57years of independence and 52years of being a Republic actually set Ghana head others?? I think the best way to prove this is in our attitude as a people. Let us all avoid violence and acts that can trigger violence this Election year.

Some say Ghana is a difficult place to live based on their own reasons but I believe those reasons would count for nothing if Ghana loses her peace.
Let us be fair and firm.
Treat your brother right because there is no place better than home.

Happy Republic Day, Ghana!!  

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