These are
the "detty" days
A stroke of
perfection hitting the spot and causing ripples for days
A rare
phenomenon for the impatient "blood" popping out of the veins
Only an inch
away if you'll tighten your jaw and think of sun rays
Screams and
moans of pleasure oozes like a fountain
A journey of
wet hallways and joy as strong as pain
Others may
believe that this excitement is one that you feign
But when
that climax hits, boy! It's like lightening!
Keeping your
calm even when you want to grab life's lemons
Knowing you
are meant for greater melons
The passion
will drive you like an escaping felon
Never to be
locked in the wrong mistress' talons
Detty is not
a jargon
Detty is a
lifestyle, you are the icon